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20 Dog Owners Share Their ‘Malfunctioning’ Dogs’ Hilarious Pics


20 Dog Owners Share Their ‘Malfunctioning’ Dogs’ Hilarious Pics

They are such blessings to this world.

The life of a dog is not easy. They have to wake up before their owner wakes up to remind them to provide them sustenance. Else, they won’t have enough energy later to zoom around the lawn and keep the perimeter safe from that weird guy who prances around on the front door (jogger), bite practice with the couch, and chasing squirrels.

You know how dogs generally act and behave. Even if you don’t own one, you know the basic gist of how they sleep, stand, sit, wag their tail. But upon close inspection and spending more time with their dogs, some owners found out that their dog functions in ways they don’t always understand.

Dare they even say their dogs may have malfunctioned! It turns out, and these owners found a group where they can share the derpiest, weirdest antics of their dogs in the ‘What’s Wrong with Your Dog’ subreddit.

“After a walk through the snow, Arlo is ready for Paris fashion week.”

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

“Right now, I’m looking for a dog to adopt. I gave this little guy the “sit” command and he sat down like this. I think I just found my new dog.”

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

“Saw this ol”

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

“He breathed in while licking his nose and his tongue got sucked into his nostrils a little bit.”

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

“It’s just her face. She’s the sweetest dog ever. But she constantly looks disappointed in us.”

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

“Life takes its toll on us all.”

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

“Her bowl is in the dishwasher.”

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

“Before and after playdate.”

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

“This is what I come home to every day.”

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

“He collected all balls he found in the house and then laid like this for 10 minutes.”

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

“Men and women fled in horror, when the creature emerged from the depths.”

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

“My favorite pic of my pug. There is no hole in the grass.”

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

“I was told she played the entire 9 hours she was at daycare.”

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

“She sits like an alien spider.”

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

“Got a live feed camera so I could see what my dogs are up to while I’m at work.”

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

“Made a friend, being extremely cool and normal about it.”

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

“When you didn’t expect your owner to come right back cause they forgot something.”

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

Rami Malek face.

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics
20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

He sits whenever he feels like it.

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

“We put her bowl on the bottom step so she didn’t have to bend down as far to eat from it.”

20 Dog Owners Share Their 'Malfunctioning' Dogs' Hilarious Pics

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