17 Witty People Who Got Called Out Online
Welp. There goes another internet fool.
Social media is a place where people can easily pretend to be someone or doing something they didn’t. There are so many tools that make it so easy to lie about themselves, so it’s always satisfying when you can call out their bluffs and lies.
These people made the huge mistake of thinking they could fool people. How does it feel getting outplayed in your own games?
This guy… doesn’t feel like sharing.

Ah, yeah… you look like one, too.



They meant it quite literal.

Student living in his own fictional class.

Impossibly multicultural cast.

These bots need better coding.

This is why you listen when the teacher is talking in class.

Got called out by her own sister.

Maybe meant that no pet is coming along with the couch.


Stop using your kids.

Mom, for real?

Mom is funny.
When someone doesn’t know what Onion is and went as far as pretending this happened.
Lesser known fact by history buff.

Chris Evans had to clear things up.