17 Men Are Oblivious To Their Own Joke And Their Girls Remembered
Oh, men, what are they gonna do without women?
All hail love because love prevails. Because really, what kind of woman will ever be able to stand living without the weirdness and intensity that men offer to live. Make no mistake because these men might not be showing the best common sense we women see every day but they definitely love their partner with their whole heart.
We have compiled some of the funniest stories when husbands and boyfriends have the most amazing logic in being oblivious about women.
This literate man.

Asked boyfriend to buy tampons and he asked what flavor to choose.

Husband saw a girl in bikini in this exact same pose. Here’s his take:

Boyfriend ate all the cream out of the Oreos and left the cookies inside the packaging.

So, boyfriend asked about this pregnancy test:

Husband eats pancakes this way.

Husband trying to say he’s helping. Wife thinks not.

Husband’s definition of holiday and vacation:

Women can’t deal with tools. But a certain husband can’t recognize a knife sharpener and a garlic squeezer.

This loyal(?) husband.

How to not make a mistake at the grocery store.

If this isn’t true love, I don’t know what is.

This PokemonGo player.

Husband cut half from his wife’s half and ate it instead of his own.

She needed a lip balm. So, man bought all of these.

Let’s see!

Dinner is boiled water with pasta.

“Honey, can you make the bed, please?”