17 Hilarious Husband Texts Only Married Ones Can Understand
Husbands and their phones.
People change when they are married and in these husbands’ case, they get more brazen and creative with their jokes. They won’t hold back at all when they’re tied with you for a lifetime and they’ll make full use of it to crack the cheesiest, most annoying, puns and jokes with you.
These jokers should never really be allowed the power to text their wife.
My queen, my love story… I’m not drunk.

She told him to text him when he’s leaving for work.

Can’t trust birds.

Womb of my dreams.

This man who doesn’t hold back.

Love is all you need!

Some husbands are just confused.

Triple crown!

This music lover of a husband.

Popping my ear.

The ultimate butternut squash.

Pooping out of my mind.

When your woman is breastfeeding, time to take out the appropriate meme.

This deep thinker speaking about happy clams.

When your husband enjoys cracking jokes with dolls, too.

Nothing like a good pun once a day.