15 Hilarious Comics That Show The Power Of Humor In A Relationship
You can never laugh too much… right?
What does humor do to a relationship?
It makes people laugh. Yeah, humor doesn’t magically make you richer or advance further in your career. But humor makes people laugh, and laughter makes couples happier all the time. Mary Park, who goes by the name of Murrz as an artist, loves making comics about her relationship with humor.
We can absolutely see how fun the everyday life of Murzz is just from how funny her comics are!
More Info: Instagram
Reverse role?

You look rough today.

Something died in his bottom.

I fought again today.

Reciprocate my feelings.

Not everyone can be funny, and some of you can definitely relate to this. But in reality, not everyone can be funny when they are with people they are not familiar with. Once you get to know someone well or are family with them already, they actually have a sense of humor!
You know that I love you, right?
The ‘what if’ game.
Quarantine workout going well.

A healthy relationship means a healthy amount of communication, and that includes healthy jokes! As long as both parties make respectful remarks and jokes that are not hurtful, their relationship will be full of laughter.
Everything is wrong!

Never too fat for cheesecake.

Noise-cancelling headphone.

My own reflection.

I’m pretty.

Just remember to avoid using sarcasms or put-downs jokes that may hurt the esteem of your partner. While these may seem hilarious for people, they may actually hurt your partner. These can even be considered as verbal attacks guised as jokes and will erode your relationship away.
Driver’s license.
His pictures of me.

Do you love Murrz comics? You will love her other comics here as well!