10 People Share Pics Of Cats Using Parking Bumpers As Pillows And It’s Hilarious
Cats are no strangers to seeking comfort!
Regardless of whether you are a cat person or not, nobody likes it when a cat jumps on the top of their vehicle. Even if you don’t sight them on the car, it’s most likely you’ll find the evidence of their presence via scratches.
In the most recent cases, cats are beginning to lounge around parking bumpers and people can’t just get enough of them. Ijnaoba1927, a Twitter User from Japan recently did surprise the internet with photos of cats resting their heads on parking bumpers.
Using the bumpers as pillows, the photos have sparked a thread and has indeed garnered over a million likes and comments. People are equally sharing their own photos and it’s oddly hearty.
More Info: Twitter




Learning more about why cats might place their heads on parking bumpers, BoredPanda reached out to Ingrid Johnson, a cat behaviorist who revealed cats do it for the comfort.


‘I might be willing to bet if something cozy and soft was provided as cats would choose that over a parking bumper. Be it an indoor, feral or outdoor cats, the parking bumper will essentially be used as pillows.’ Ingrid explained.


Admitting that cats are heat seekers who love the sun and warmth, the expert added: ‘Concrete surface often heats up and in turn provides a nice warm place. When cats feel relaxed and safe, it’s expressed in how they have positioned themselves. Laying with a belly exposed and stretching out is indeed a vulnerable position that’s done when the surrounding is trusted.’


Interestingly, Big Cats Also Does The Same: