World’s Oldest Pyramid In Egypt Opens For The First Time In 90 Years
Brought back to life via inserts of voids in the walls!
Egypt’s 4,700-Year-Old Egyptian Pyramid has been saved from collapse by British Engineers and officially opened to the public for the first time in 90 Years.
The step pyramid of Djoser measures an estimated 200ft high and perceived to be the first pyramid in Egypt as well as the oldest building in the world.
Egypt’s 4,700-Year-Old Egyptian Pyramid has been saved from collapse b and officially opened to the public for the first time in 90 Years

Entirely built out of stone by the ancient Egyptian Architect Imhotep in Vast Saqqara Necropolis South of Cairo, the structure is also believed to be the final resting place of King Djoser, the founder of the Old Kingdom.
Entirely built out of stone by the ancient Egyptian Architect Imhotep in Vast Saqqara Necropolis South of Cairo, Peter James started fixing the crumbling structure in 2011

Nevertheless, stone beams and blocks supporting the building have weakened over the succeeding years. An Engineer from Newport, Wales –Peter James started fixing the crumbling structure in 2011 and currently it’s sound enough to be opened again to tourists.

Guests are now permitted to explore King Djoser’s burial area for the first time since the 1930s, when it was locked down over protection concerns.
The structure is believed to be the final resting place of King Djoser, the founder of the Old Kingdom

As the tomb reopens, Mr. James, the Managing Director of Cintec, the Welsh organization that repaired the building revealed the construction work was nervous with risk.
Stone beams and blocks supporting the building have weakened over the succeeding years

‘It was extremely, extremely very dangerous.’ Mr. James said.

Dosjer’s Pyramid was, however, a revolutionary idea. The step pyramid consists of six mastabas stacked on top of one another. Dating 2,680, the pyramid was then designed and built under the guidance of Imhotep and was described by some as the world’s first architect.
Dating 2,680, the pyramid was then designed and built under the guidance of Imhotep

‘We are in total shock as to how Mr. James was able to again create this structure, which has remained standing for over 4.700 years.’ Khaled Al-Anani, Egypt’s Tourism, and Antiquities Minister said.