World’s Happiest Hedgehog Wins 1.5m Followers On Instagram
The evolving biggest petfluencer!
The world’s happiest hedgehog is putting the internet on fire as fans are heading to wherever page or site to have a glimpse of his amazing travels across the world.
Based in Germany, Herbee is becoming a bigger petfluencer with his adorable and inspiring adorable photographs. With over 1.5 million followers on Instagram, the internet icon was first displayed to the world by Talitha Girnus, Herbee’s Owner.
While Talitha older Hedgehog, Mr. Pokee had died earlier this year, Herbee has continued to motivate everyone.
‘Amazing people from all across the world are motivated to allow our adventures most especially because they love our message: In between all the serious thing occurring in the world every day, Pokee and now Herbee are here to give you a reason to stay positive.’ Talitha’s website, reads.
‘Anytime people turn to the website, we just want to remind them never to lose faith. The world is full of magic and not a bad place.’ The website added.
More: Instagram