Women Should Date Men 10 Years Older Than Them, Relationship Coach Says
Jake Maddock is an Australian love coach. He’s also a married man in his 30s, proving the work of his tips with his own relationship. He often shares his answers to questions followers ask him on Instagram and explains things like setting boundaries and balancing “masculine and feminine energy.”
The “tough love dating coach” has also been known to be controversial, mostly because of his traditional approach to dating.

Maddock believes he’s found the key that allows him to achieve an ideal relationship and he wants to share his knowledge with others. He shared that he, too, like many of his clients, suffered from heartbreaks and going in and out of unsuccessful relationships.
“There was a good ten-year period in my life that was pure hell because I didn’t understand relationships at all,” he told Femail. On top of that was the horrific car accident that almost killed him four years ago.
He shared, “What followed was a lot of soul-searching and then the decision to go after what would really make my life worthwhile. A few days after I came out of hospital, I decided to go all in and become a relationship coach. I love this business.”
“So, I decided to learn about and become a master at them. After years of studying under mentors and reading books and putting information into practice, I achieved a 10/10 relationship.”
And for men, it’s often their lack of “verbalising their wants and needs, or even understanding them.”

“The greatest mistakes people make are not being intimate enough, not communicating effectively, ignoring masculine and feminine energy, not going on enough dates, and disrespecting each other.”
His five pillars to achieving a 10/10 relationship are: raise attraction, balance the masculine and feminine energy, courtship, intimacy, and communication. It’s highly vital to respect the fact that men and women don’t think nor act alike.
He also advised women against asking a man out and said, “The guy should plan the date, come up with the idea, he should execute the date, and pay for the date. Your job is to sit back and have fun.”

And when it comes to moving in, he also suggests getting a new house together and never moving into the woman’s house. His reasoning was so the woman could “take the man’s lead” without surrendering her own space to him.
He is also firm in having men foot all the bills for the day and says, “Men must plan, pay for and execute the entire date – and women should never ask a man out first.”
Maddock also said, “Relationships aren’t about equality – they are about love and happiness – which is why you shouldn’t demand things to be 50/50.”