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Woman Maintains Her Calm As Cat Brawl Erupts Amid A Live Broadcast And It Goes Viral


Woman Maintains Her Calm As Cat Brawl Erupts Amid A Live Broadcast And It Goes Viral

Cats are also starting to lose it after months of lockdown!

The global pandemic has resulted in employees across the globe carrying out activities and conducting interviews from home. While most live broadcasts have gone without an issue, there are, however, a few that have caught viewers’ eye for the wrong reasons.

We recently wrote about a GMA Reporter who got caught live with pants, and here we will be discussing a Philippines journalist who tried all she could to stay patiently on a live TV as her cats fought in the background.

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Woman Maintains Her Calm As Cat Brawl Erupts Amid A Live Broadcast And It Goes Viral
Bella and Nala

Doris Bigornia, the reporter tried keeping a straight face and constantly looked over her shoulder hunting for the main reason as to why the two kitties were trading blows. Fortunately, the fight didn’t go out of control before Doris stepped in.


Posted by Nikki Bigornia on Friday, May 15, 2020

The reporter’s 12-second video has since gone all viral, featuring the two kitten, Bell, and Nala. Doris reposted the clip onto her Twitter account and captioned it: ‘Children! There’s equally a law in the studio!’

Woman Maintains Her Calm As Cat Brawl Erupts Amid A Live Broadcast And It Goes Viral
Bella and Nala

Instantly, users reacted positively and loved the clip, with a few dubbing it the best Television interview conducted at home. ‘OMG! This is a live catfight.’ One user wrote. Another added: ‘So cats are also starting to lose it after months of lockdown life.’

Woman Maintains Her Calm As Cat Brawl Erupts Amid A Live Broadcast And It Goes Viral
Bella and Nala

Nevertheless, a lot of internet users shared the clip and expressed their admiration at how the reporter was able to conclude the interview without getting much distracted by the epic brawl.

Woman Maintains Her Calm As Cat Brawl Erupts Amid A Live Broadcast And It Goes Viral
Bella and Nala

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