Woman Installs A Feeder Cam For Birds In Her Yard And Captured Incredible Pics
Appreciate and applaud the wonders of nature!
Using a wildlife camera – a birdcam or trailcam is one great way to get remarkable photos or clips of the activities at your backyard. Designed with a motion sensor, these camera captures personal details as well as up-close images of wildlife that only happens when we’re away.
If you’re doubting the aforesaid, see how Lisa who’s fascinated by birds document their images using a feeder cam. Well-recognized as Ostdrossel on Instagram, Lisa is an avid bird photographer and a nature lover residing in the United States.
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Lisa installed a photo booth disguised as a bird feeder in her backyard and mostly takes up to about 7000 photos in a day. She was keen about knowing more about the birds in her locality and in order to achieve that, she purchased numerous photos of different species and further used several bird foods to attract them.

Using Bird Photobooth 2.0, Lisa now captures the photos of several birds coming into her garden. Her installed Photobooth had a macro lens, a clip-on feeder, and a camera that’s enclosed in a box. This setup and her attraction strategies have helped her to capture unique shots of birds closely, a thing that would incredibly be challenging to do when using ordinary methods.

Becoming a full-time hobby, the avid photographer ensures she reviewed the videos and photos from her feeder cam every night and so far has found impressive photos. She watches the funny expressions and behaviors of animals living around her home – moments people hardly see or notice in their daily living.