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Woman Griped Her Pink Turkey Ruined Christmas Only To Be Told She Had Bought A Gammon


Woman Griped Her Pink Turkey Ruined Christmas Only To Be Told She Had Bought A Gammon

She got one for free, but it was the best laugh of the year for the butcher.

Zoe was recently left disappointed after cooking what she believed to be a 12lb turkey. She had placed the turkey in the oven because it was very pink on the inside, and just when she tasted the outside of the meat, she instantly realized it was a gammon joint. And sadly, her Christmas dinner got ruined. 

She messaged NL Woodcock Butchers in Oldham, Greater Manchester, and expressed her disappointment. In response, the butchers pointed out her earlier message showing she had ordered a whole gammon joint that didn’t come with turkey. Zoe realized her mistake, apologized, and asked if any other turkeys were left. 

Zoe complained Christmas was ruined after they sold her a pink turkey, but then she realized she’d ordered a gammon joint.

Woman Griped Her Pink Turkey Ruined Christmas Only To Be Told She Had Bought A Gammon
via Food And Drink/Rex

“So we cooked the big 12lb turkey yesterday, and when we carved it, it was very, very pink inside, so we had it put in back in the oven. One hour later, we got it back out again but still pink; my husband carved it, and all put it back in because we thought it would cook quicker like this,” Zoe’s message read. 

It continued: “Eventually, we gave up and had Christmas dinner two hours late with no meat. When I went to the kitchen later, I had a nibble on the outside of the now very dried-out meat and realized it wasn’t turkey; it was gammon. Very disappointed, I have to say.”

She messaged her butcher, saying she was “very disappointed” after cooking what she thought was a 12lb turkey.

Woman Griped Her Pink Turkey Ruined Christmas Only To Be Told She Had Bought A Gammon
via Zoe a/Twitter

Fortunately, the butcher Neil saw the hilarious side of the situation and offered to drop off a turkey breast free of charge because it was the best laugh he has had this year. He replied: “Hi Zoe, we are sorry to hear about that but looking at your previous messages, you ordered the hamper 6, which was the full gammon joint, and didnt come with the turkey.”

Zoe wrote back: “Oh god, I am such a t****. Please accept my apologies. Oh well, it couldn’t have made Christmas worse anyway because my whole family apart from me has COVID.” She then asked if any turkeys were left, of which Neil claimed he would drop her boneless turkey breast and that the price is nothing as it’s the best laughs he had this year. He concluded: “Hope all the family gets well soon.”

But in response to her complaint, the butcher, Neil, said she had ordered “hamper 6,” which came with gammon and no turkey.

Woman Griped Her Pink Turkey Ruined Christmas Only To Be Told She Had Bought A Gammon
via Zoe a/Twitter

Neil shared the exchange on Facebook, although it has migrated to Twitter, and captioned it: “Looking after our customers. Sorry, Zoe, but we thought it was funny.” So far, social media users have reacted to the post, with many claiming it’s DAMN Hilarious. Zoe equally commented on the post alongside laughing emojis: “I’m so pleased everyone has had a massive laugh at our stupidity and added that: “Apparently, I’m a pillock.”

Twitter User @BigKahunaStylee Shared The Exchange On Twitter, And Here’s How People Reacted:

Woman Griped Her Pink Turkey Ruined Christmas Only To Be Told She Had Bought A Gammon
Woman Griped Her Pink Turkey Ruined Christmas Only To Be Told She Had Bought A Gammon
Woman Griped Her Pink Turkey Ruined Christmas Only To Be Told She Had Bought A Gammon
Woman Griped Her Pink Turkey Ruined Christmas Only To Be Told She Had Bought A Gammon
Woman Griped Her Pink Turkey Ruined Christmas Only To Be Told She Had Bought A Gammon
Woman Griped Her Pink Turkey Ruined Christmas Only To Be Told She Had Bought A Gammon
Woman Griped Her Pink Turkey Ruined Christmas Only To Be Told She Had Bought A Gammon

Zoe Commented On Facebook Saying She’s Pleased Everyone Has Had A Laugh At Her Stupidity.

Woman Griped Her Pink Turkey Ruined Christmas Only To Be Told She Had Bought A Gammon
via Twitter

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