Woman Admits She Only Showers Three Times A Week And The Internet Reacted
“All of my friends looked at me in horror.”
A woman learned that she was the odd one out among her friends when they talked about showering habits. Personal hygiene is a necessity, but beyond that, it can also be a preference.
A woman who only showers three times a week asked the internet if her habit is too disgusting and if she should shower more. Because in a recent conversation where the topic was brought up, many of her friends, despite being moms, would still find time to shower every day.

She took her curious question to Mumsnet which receives almost 900 responses.
“Okay, so I’m having a few drinks with friends last night. We are all-female a mix of parents and non-parents. One friend mentions she is struggling to find time for o shower every day since she had her baby. I said, “Well I don’t shower every day without a young baby.”
All of my friends looked at me in horror. Apparently, even the ones with kids shower daily. Full disclosure I have two dd (darling daughters), one under five and I work part-time. I shower on workdays plus one extra day so usually, three times a week. My days off usually consist of playing at home, walking the dog, school run, and maybe park.
I would shower extra if exercising/having sex/on period etc. I bathe my dc (darling children) three times a week. My oh (other half) works out every weekday so he does shower more than me. Am I being disgusting?”

It appears that showering behavior differs a lot. In America, over 65% of people shower daily. The number is higher in Australia with over 80% of the people showering every day. Yet, in China, half of the population reported that they only bathe twice a week.
Robert H. Shmerling, MD, former clinical chief of the division of rheumatology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), and is a current member of the corresponding faculty in medicine at Harvard Medical School, explains that “the daily shower is more about habit and societal norms than health.”
As a daily-shower fan, he suggests to others that “showering several times per week is plenty for most people.” This typically means short showers that “focus on the armpits and groin.”
Many people actually think she’s not gross! They’re part of the one-third who don’t shower every day after all!

But on the other side of the fence, there are those who can’t imagine living and showering only once a day.

Source: Mumsnet