Wealthy Heiress, 19, Breaks Down In Tears After Staying With Family That Struggle To Feed Kids On $262 A Month
Although she doesn’t know what parsnip looks like.
19-Year-Old Rendall Coleby, a wealthy teen from Essex, recently went to live with Leicester family ‘the Edens’, an experience where she got the chance to cook a meal for the first time. The Instagram influencer charges £1000 for her posts but bonded with a struggling family through Rick Kids Go Skint Show.
19-Year-Old Rendall Coleby, a wealthy teen from Essex, found herself in tears at the end of her stay with the Edens despite not being able to stick to their budget of buying vegetables for £11

Rendall was raised by parents who are high-end jewelers. They catered for every one of her needs, including purchasing a £30,000 Mercedes, £1000 shoes, and £3000 Chanel handbags for her 17th birthday. Interestingly, the teen had moved into a luxury bungalow next door to her parent’s home at 15 to have more wardrobe room for her expensive collections.

Rendall, who regularly shares photos of herself at airport business lounges and in hot tubs, found herself in tears at the end of her stay with the Edens despite not being able to stick to their budget of buying vegetables for £11. Being the latest wealthy teen to appear on Channel 5’s Rich Kids Go Skint show, Rendall swapped her lifestyle to stay with the struggling family, and evidently, she didn’t find it easy.

33-Year-Old Tony and his wife Diana Eden, 28, survive on £197 per month and struggle to feed their two children Tiago, four, and Izzy, 13, on Universal Credit. The family had experienced homeless and moved from London to Leicester. The Bailiffs gave them about an hour to empty their house, of which Tony had to sell his car – automatically stopping his work as a delivery driver.

Likewise, Diana struggled to get a job despite retraining in business management. The mom-of-two found herself stuck between being overqualified for some applied jobs but equally doesn’t have adequate experience in her chosen field to be employable. Eventually, she sold cosmetics online with Izzy’s assistance, but it wasn’t as successful as expected.

‘I can’t imagine how many people the whole day search for a job, so as Diana said, it’s a struggle. Rendall, who was homeschooled from 13, said. The young teen admits she understands the real world as she pointed out there’s a big difference between understanding a situation and living the situation. Rendall, who’s now married and pregnant, had revolved around money, but of course, she now has a different perspective that money can’t buy health and happiness as her mom was diagnosed with secondary cancer.

‘Before everything happened, my whole life revolved around money, Normal day things I wouldn’t have appreciated, things like having breakfast together are now really treasure. Money is nothing when you have a family.’ Rendall added. It’s Rendall’s down to earth attitude that makes her a hit with the Edens, and her not-being-able-to-cook skills and worst at shopping trip moments were overlooked. Rendall did purchase a karaoke machine for the family as a parting gift and was dubbed a nice girl.

‘Thank you for coming and spending time with us. We have every second of it, and you are truly amazing. Don’t forget us; we won’t forget you. P.S: Sending your mom all your strength and love and then all our phone numbers.’ The Eden wrote in a letter for Rendall. Nevertheless, the two household strike a genuine friendship and even had dinner with Rendall’s mom in attendance. Sadly. Rendall’s mom has passed away from Cancer.