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Vegan Mom Lets Her Eight-Month-Old Baby Eat Sand & Rocks


Vegan Mom Lets Her Eight-Month-Old Baby Eat Sand & Rocks

Breast milk is said to be the medicine.

Alice Bender of Phoenix, Arizona, is a vegan and a mom of an eight-month-old baby named Fern. The 22-Year-old raises her son like a vegan and defending her parenting pattern; Alice insists that germs are nothing to be scared of, revealing it’s natural for babies to want to eat sand. 

Alice Bender insists that germs are nothing to be scared of, revealing it’s natural for babies to want to eat sand.

The 22-Year-old raises her son Fern like a vegan and allows him to chew on rocks, dirt, and supermarket shopping trolley straps.

Vegan Mom Lets Her Eight-Month-Old Baby Eat Sand & Rocks
Kennedy News And Media/Instagram

Fern is allowed to chew on rocks, dirt, and even supermarket shopping trolley straps, and his mom Alice claims her breast milk is the medicine while he builds his immune system. In one of the clips shared with TikTok, Fern was filmed eating different objects, including brown rocks, which he instantly puts his mouth. 

Mom Alice claims her breast milk is the medicine while he builds his immune system.


Reply to @platoon_lagoon ##veganbaby ##exclusivelybreastfeeding ##crunchymom ##crunchy ##crunchymama ##holistic ##gentleparenting ##respectfulparenting

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Alice fault billion-dollar campaigns in Western medicine for shifting people’s perspective on bacteria and babies.

Vegan Mom Lets Her Eight-Month-Old Baby Eat Sand & Rocks
Kennedy News And Media/Instagram/TikTok

The clip has been viewed over 12million times on TikTok, and Alice fault the numerous billion-dollar campaigns in Western medicine over the last 200 years for shifting people’s perspective on bacteria and babies. “I do not fear bacteria. I welcome it. I trust nature and my baby. It is not a coincidence babies have this instinct while they are breastfeeding.” Alice said in the clip. 

“I do not fear bacteria. I welcome it. I trust nature and my baby.”

Vegan Mom Lets Her Eight-Month-Old Baby Eat Sand & Rocks
Kennedy News And Media/Instagram/TikTok

In a TikTok clip, Fern was filmed eating brown rocks, which he instantly puts his mouth.


Reply to @sydneybrassyfields those crunches #teething #homebirth #unassistedbirth #vbac #grounding #babygrounding #naturebaby #8monthsold

Runaway – AURORA
Vegan Mom Lets Her Eight-Month-Old Baby Eat Sand & Rocks
Kennedy News And Media/Instagram/TikTok

She added: “Babies only have this instinct while they are breastfeeding for a reason. Our milk is there to protect them while they build their immune system. Breast milk is incredible. Breast milk is the original medicine. It is far superior to any human-made medicine. Breast milk is alive and constantly changing to meet our babies’ current needs.”

The housewife stated that she wants Fern to continue eating sand or dirt even after breastfeeding.

Vegan Mom Lets Her Eight-Month-Old Baby Eat Sand & Rocks
Kennedy News And Media/Instagram/TikTok

The housewife stated that she want Fern to continue doing this even after he’s done breastfeeding because there would be nothing for him to fall back on when he gets sick. Sharing her views on the pharmaceutical industry, Alice claims the industry as a whole made her realize that our society is built on us remaining customers to pharma, adding that it’s high time we stop being at war with nature. 

Alice said it’s high time we stop being at war with nature. 

Vegan Mom Lets Her Eight-Month-Old Baby Eat Sand & Rocks
Kennedy News And Media/Instagram/TikTok

“Our milk is there to protect them while they build their immune system. Breast milk is incredible.”

Vegan Mom Lets Her Eight-Month-Old Baby Eat Sand & Rocks
Kennedy News And Media/Instagram/TikTok

So far, internet users have been left divided on Alice’s parenting style and have commented on her perspective. One user said: “My baby, unfortunately, isn’t exclusively breastfeeding, but I don’t shelter him from dirt and shopping carts either. Eight months and healthy.” Another added: “This is how babies build their immune systems! Go, mom!” A few disagreed with Alice’s parenting methods. 

“Breast milk is the original medicine. It is far superior to any human-made medicine.”

“Dirt won’t hurt, but letting them bite the belt from the grocery store? Nah.” A third said. While a fourth asked: “Are you not worried about parasites? What would you do to protect him from the possibility of getting them by eating dirt? However, according to the Mayo Clinic, breast milk has numerous advantages that benefit up into adulthood, including protecting them from infections. 

Here’s How People Reacted To Alice’s Parenting Style:

Vegan Mom Lets Her Eight-Month-Old Baby Eat Sand & Rocks
Vegan Mom Lets Her Eight-Month-Old Baby Eat Sand & Rocks
Vegan Mom Lets Her Eight-Month-Old Baby Eat Sand & Rocks
Vegan Mom Lets Her Eight-Month-Old Baby Eat Sand & Rocks
Vegan Mom Lets Her Eight-Month-Old Baby Eat Sand & Rocks
Vegan Mom Lets Her Eight-Month-Old Baby Eat Sand & Rocks
Vegan Mom Lets Her Eight-Month-Old Baby Eat Sand & Rocks

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