University Graduate Reveals She’s Scared To Have Kids Because Of Climate Change
Is it unethical to bring a child into the world?
A University graduate recently admitted she’s scared to bring kids into the world because of Climate Change.
Alice Trumble, from Melbourne, revealed she started experiencing ‘Climate Anxiety’ a few years ago after concluding her tertiary education.
Trumble, an audience member on the ABC’s Q&A acknowledged struggling with her anxiety as she wanted to raise a family but still was unable to justify it because of environmental concerns.
Alice Trumble, from Melbourne, revealed she started experiencing ‘Climate Anxiety’ a few years ago after concluding her tertiary education

‘I have studied environmental and climate science. I came to a conclusion it was not safe. It’s unethical probably and quite a bad choice to bring in children into this world. I would really want to raise a family, but I am very scared to do it.’ Trumble said.
Responding, Osher Gunsberg – The Bachelor host and Q&A Panelist revealed he equally suffered from improbable climate anxiety.
‘What can we build for this child? Please, the world presently needs your child in it. Think about it, please.’

‘I have had episodes of psychosis that resulted in paranoid delusions. I was on two different types of antipsychotics and was witnessing things. So you are not alone and when you know what you know, it becomes a complete ordinary normal reaction to have when you see what’s coming.’ Gunsberg explained.
Advising Ms. Trumble, Gunsberg said the birth of his son Wolf in August did give him hope.
He continued: ‘What can we build for this child? Please, the world presently needs your child in it. Think about it, please.’
University Graduate is scared to have kids because of climate change