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Twitter Is Trying Out Disappearing ‘Fleets’ In Brazil That Stays Only 24 Hours


Twitter Is Trying Out Disappearing ‘Fleets’ In Brazil That Stays Only 24 Hours

It is still a popular platform for many people even today.

It doesn’t seem like there’s anything Twitter can do more when it comes to innovation. But recently, Twitter has found a way to jump into the 24-hour status bandwagon. Called ‘fleets’, Twitter has been testing this feature in Brazil and are like stories on Instagram and Facebook, according to product lead Kayvon Beykpour.

Twitter Is Trying Out Disappearing 'Fleets' In Brazil That Stays Only 24 Hours

In regard to the new feature, Beykpour said, “We’re hoping that Fleets can help people share the fleeting thoughts that they would have been unlikely to Tweet.”

This is but one among numerous moves Twitter has made in order to create a more user-friendly environment. But the company’s shares have been dropping since last year with many people judging the company for unable to innovate new things.

Twitter is pushed to keep making changes and the pressure increases as last year they revealed a glitch on their app that prevents target ads and data sharing with partners. They have also removed chief executive Jack Dorsey and are changing their internal personnel.

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