TV Reporter Tells Her Bosses ‘I’m Not Coming In Tomorrow’ Believing She’s Won €4 Million Lottery Then Discovers It’s Only €5,000
Welp, that was an awkward mistake.
No matter what is the situation, getting ahead of yourself is something you should be careful of. A Spanish TV reporter learns it the hard way recently as she announced her quitting her job LIVE on TV. She was reporting and listening to the lottery winners when she heard hers called out.
RTVE reporter Natalia Escudero won a lottery and excitedly announced her job resignation LIVE.

But Escudero quickly assumed she had hit the big jackpot which was €4 million. While going LIVE on TV, Escudero told to the whole country to see: ‘I would not be coming into work tomorrow’.
Her footage where she jumped in joy while fist-pumping the air went viral.

But afterwards, she realized that she made a mistake big time – she only won €5,000, definitely not enough amount to quick one’s job. Shortly after, she went on camera and made a lip-zipping gesture.

She took to Twitter to announce her apology to viewers for being too excited.

She apologizes for viewers who ‘felt cheated’ and said that she’s a proud journalist who have worked rigorously for the past 25 years. But job has been really tough for her for the last few months, so she’s been planning to take time-off for her planned holiday.