Zoë Kravitz Is Set To Portray Catwoman With Robert Pattinson’s Batman
Is this revenge?
Hot, black leather, whip. Those would be the three adjectives describing Zoë Kravitz’s new role. She’s tested out a few scenes with Robert Pattinson’s Batman and since Monday, it’s been announced she’s going to be the new Catwoman for Matt Reeves’ take on Batman.

Interestingly, she tried auditioning for the role in Christopher Nolan’s movie ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ but had to attribute it to her face that she failed. She didn’t get not even one small look at the script, as someone claims she was ‘too urban’ for the movie.
Anne Hathaway was given the role, in the end, getting many praises for her vixen role. Previously, people might remember Michelle Pfeiffer, Eartha Kitt, and Halle Berry as people who portrayed the night vigilante Catwoman.
Catwoman is a reoccurring love interest of Batman.

Can’t wait for Aquaman’s stepdaughter to nail her role as Batman’s co-star! We’ll see her kick ass as Catwoman in 2021.