This Vet Walks Around California And Treats Homeless People’s Pets For Free
He has been doing this around California since 2011 after the Great Recession.
For the homeless, having a companion is a truly rare chance. It’s a wild, harsh world where you can’t trust anyone with your state, but a man has decided to provide relief to them. Other than shelters, food and other needs, these homeless would love it if someone can pay attention to their companions.
Yes, the homeless have animals who rely on them as their home. Steward Kwane set out as a street veterinarian to check on and provide help for the animals of the homeless ones. He has been doing this around California since 2011 after the Great Recession.
Stay tuned to his stories on Facebook and you can show your support for his works by heading to GoFundMe.
Dr. Stewart Kwane is the unsung hero for the pets of the homeless.

Dubbing himself The Street Vet, he always carries a bag of medical supplies to check on animals and provide help whenever he can.

But at other times, it’s not rare that you see him just sitting and talking to these lonely people.

Above, he is sitting and talking to a man with colon cancer. His dog is named Crazy Girl.
Dr. Kwane runs a GoFundMe page to raise donations on costly surgeries, medications, and procedures on animals. From ear infections to vaccines, they can cost $100 while operations such as tumor removal can cost more than $1,000.
One of those pets who’ve been saved is Dinker the dog who had a rare condition that requires imminent surgery. He has ‘a connection like no other’ with his owner Walter and fortunately, a doctor is trying to make this happen, but the cost is in the way.

Having helped so many people, Dr. Kwane said, “I’ve experienced the most genuine stories of love, compassion, struggle, and hope.”

This man now has his own TV series that records his journey dubbed ‘The Street Vet’.
People are absolutely thankful for the good Samaritan that is so needed today.