Good News
California Activists Reveal Plan To Build $3 Billion City Just For The Homeless
The issue is getting bigger and this sounds like a probable, although far fetched, plan.
On a press release, founder of the organization Citizens Again, Daune Nason, announced his big plan on combating the issue on homeless. “It’s time to think differently to solve the homelessness crisis,” says the man.
“Instead of building 4,000 more shelters, Citizens Again is crowdfunding to build 1 city, catering towards America’s entire chronic adult homeless population, and it will be quicker and cost billions less than current efforts,” the press release continued.
Citizens Again’s huge proposal aims to house 150,000 homeless people in California.

This city will be 300-acre and provides high-density free housing with all the basic needs provided. It will include a hospital, healthcare, food, job training as well as life skills. In addition, there is also a plan to include an underground tunnel to reduce traffic.
Communal TVs will be provided with tiered seatings for multiple people.

Every neighborhood will have a cafeteria with adjusted eating time.

According to a previous placement rate, it will take almost 200 years to provide enough shelters for 90,000 homeless adults. Nobody wants, or rather, can wait that long. Meanwhile, Citizens Again estimated that this new city can be ready in 11 years.
The project details that only ‘Qualified Citizens’ will be allowed in and out at any point. But the criteria on this has not been revealed. People of Folsom, Nason’s hometown, show mixed reviews with some saying although they want to help, ‘they don’t want it in their backyard.’
Identifications of the citizens will be in radio-frequency which will be used to enter the city, purchasing items and checking-in on jobs. These dormitories will be 16 floors high, each with communal bathrooms and sleeping quarters.
Nason ambitiously aims for the 300-acre city to be ready by 2031.

On the organization’s website is written, “It will be a city they’ll want to live in, a community they’ll want to be part of, and for those that desire, an opportunity to gain life skills to integrate back into society.” Its GoFundMe is aiming to raise $50,000 and has received $925 so far.
It is not the first far-fetched goal that many have suggested in battling the crisis of homeless citizens in California.
By January last year, California already has more than 129,000 homeless citizens.

The federal government has been reported to have spent $6.1 billion for the homeless with more than a third of a quarter to those with chronic homelessness.
San Francisco has residents putting up plywood slabs on alleyways and large boulders on sidewalks to keep homeless ones from camping around them. This crisis is affecting hundreds of thousands of people in the cities with the budget rising every year.

Citizens have chosen to use boulders to block homeless camps. City officials removed some of them due to road safety hazards.

Multiple areas have been used by the homeless to camp.

These areas often house homeless people and addicts who also leave used needles and human waste. Public toilets have been set up and just last year, a six-person team dubbed ‘poop patrol’ has been assigned to clean up the feces around San Francisco.
Will Citizens Again be realized by the people? Only time will tell.