These Tiny Crochet Cat Couches With Matching Square Blankets Are Too Cute Not To Have
Beautiful and stylish.
If there’s one common theme of 2021, it’s that people have extra time up their sleeves. There have been all sorts of distractions getting us through isolation. And with a few countries still adhering to restrictions and people still working fully from home, isolation hobbies aren’t yet over. If you are interested in a new DIY task, here’s one to consider: Crocheting mini couches for your pet!
Cats, in particular, naturally feel the entire house is their domain to lounge, but with the help of quirky DIYs, your feline will learn to stay off the couch because they’ll now have their cat-sized version of it. A recent trend on a Subreddit, ‘r/crochet,’ has people crocheting small sofas. Most of the furniture even features adorable granny square blankets to drape over the back or arms. Below you will witness the mega-cuteness of a few compiled and possibly will make one for yourself.
Undeniably, You Can Purchase A Cat Bed At Ease, But They Aren’t As Cute And Fun As A Cat Couch.

If You Are A Professional Crocheter, You Can Personalize The Tiny Cat Couch Any How You Desire. Isn’t This Cute?

Here’s Your Best Bet! A New Crochet Couch Project To Inspire You.

Guess What? You Can Also Make Tiny Pillows As Toys For Your Feline To Play With.

While the trend has launched in recent months, the cat sofa originates from a late 1998 pamphlet titled Crochet Kitty Couches. On the other hand, with most people still under strict stay-at-home orders, it’s time to fill the time and keep busy. If there’s a time to become the crotchet pro you’ve always dreamed of, the time is NOW.
This Tiny Granny Square Blanket Will Send You Over The Edge, Same As It Did To Us.

Look At Just How Cute And Amazing This Miniature Crochet Couch Is.

Gorgeous And Real!

It Turned Out There Are Many Kinds Of Cat Couches To Make. Here’s Proof.

Not up to crocheting? You can pay people to make one for you, though they don’t come free nor cheap. But then you can get the pattern for $1.99.