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These Are The ‘Girl Dads’ Who Would Do Anything For Their Daughters


These Are The ‘Girl Dads’ Who Would Do Anything For Their Daughters

Let’s celebrate the Girl Dads!

Lots of women proudly identify themselves as ‘Boy Moms’, but less often do the world talk about ‘girl dad.’

Girl dads are regarded as fathers of daughters – the ones who are professionals at making their daughter’s hair in front of the mirror or perhaps the ones taking an extra seat at stuffed animal tea parties, including ones that teach daughter the furniture-making skills.

These Are The ‘Girl Dads’ Who Would Do Anything For Their Daughters

Girl dads tend to spend just as much time talking about dinosaurs as princesses and no matter what’s at stake, there’s usually something unique about the bond between a father and his daughter.

So, to the before guys who love watching football games, hiking, building things with hands and having tattoos, congratulations on becoming a man and for holding your little girl.

These Are The ‘Girl Dads’ Who Would Do Anything For Their Daughters

A big thanks to you for putting a stop to wrestling matches.  Thumbs up for babysitting your beautiful Diva and importantly for not letting go of her tiny hands. We give a bow!

To the dads who watch princess movies – a big thumbs up for cooking meals in the kitchen with your daughter. Thanks for tightening seatbelt straps and for taking off training wheels.

These Are The ‘Girl Dads’ Who Would Do Anything For Their Daughters

Who holds hands tightly when crossing the street? Who spent a lifetime learning to let go? – Dads of course.  

So here’s to the girl dads who give so much beauty – Your little girl thinks the world of you!

These Are The ‘Girl Dads’ Who Would Do Anything For Their Daughters

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