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Size 22 Woman Who ‘Gave Up’ On Love Now Has Baby With Fitness Trainer Half Her Size

Body Positivity

Size 22 Woman Who ‘Gave Up’ On Love Now Has Baby With Fitness Trainer Half Her Size

“I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to find someone who really loved me for who I am.”

A care worker whose weight reached the obese range shared that she was “giving up” on love when she met a man that would later become her husband. The 24-year-old mentioned that all her exes were always bothered about her weight.

But she’s found love while maintaining her 257 lbs body.

Montgomery first met her husband online through Facebook. The Canadian woman from Ontario hit it off with Matt Montgomery, and they started seeing each other. They got married in 2021 and recently welcomed a new family member.

“We hit it off right away from the moment we met,” shared Brittany on their first meeting.

“I was a bit hesitant at first. I’ve been in relationships where guys have told me that they will dump me if I don’t start dieting or trying to lose weight. It did affect my self-confidence, and at one point, I did start working out and trying to change my size.”

“But then I realized that if I did that, I wouldn’t love myself anymore, and I would be changing myself for someone else’s perception of beauty.”

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“I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to find someone who really loved me for who I am, but after meeting Matt, I couldn’t be happier,” she continued.

Matt, who weighs 140 lbs, said things worked with Brittany because of her amazing body-positive attitude. He shared, “I’ve been in previous relationships with skinny girls, and they’ve not been happy in themselves at all.”

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“They weren’t positive people, or they constantly felt like they needed to change things about themselves, and it got me down too. When I met Britt, she was so confident in her own body; I loved that about her, she doesn’t want to change anything, and I would never ask her to.”

“I love food as well, so that’s a plus. I’m not worried about tracking her calories or dieting. I just want her to eat what she wants and be happy.”

Despite brimming with happiness and love, people still commented negatively about their relationship. They were engaged in January last year. Matt talked about how people viewed them: “I do notice people staring when we walk down the street, but most of the comments we have had have been online.”

“People comment on Instagram and suggest that I’m not big enough or man enough for her.”

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Brittany added, “I wish mixed weight relationships were more common and more in the norm. There’s definitely this misconception that a fat person and a skinny person can’t be properly intimate or do things like start a family, but we’ve never had any issues.”

“We feel so lucky to have met each other, and it’s the happiest we’ve ever been.”

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