Robert Griffin III’s Wife Grete Is ‘Still Pregnant’ After A Hilarious False Alarm
“Wife is in labor!!!”
Robert Griffin III’s wife, Grete Griffin, appears to still be pregnant while entering 2023. The NFL quarterback sprinted out of the ESPN live broadcast at the speed of light after receiving a call from his 9-month pregnant wife.

Grete shared an update, her husband seated next to her, “Still pregnant everyone. Baby girl tried to make a dramatic entrance into 2023.”

Robert Griffin was hosting the College Football Playoff semifinals between TCU and Michigan when his 32-year-old called her.

She shared, “Take number two: Dropping Robert off at the airport to go to another bowl game. Hopefully this time, baby will stay in… She wanted to make a dramatic entrance to 2023 but decided not to, so, we’ll see how it goes this time around.”
The couple confirmed back in August that the family is expecting a baby girl as their third child soon.
Griffin made a sudden exit after telling his co-hosts “Wife is in labor!” after taking on a phone call from his wife.
He later shared the clip on his Instagram page. His wife, however, later shared an update that they’re still waiting and it was a “false alarm.” But regardless, she appreciated her husband’s prompt action to be at her side at a moment’s notice.
“I gave him a call in the middle of him being on live TV fully expecting to not get a hold of him but I guess when your wife is 9 months pregnant and calls you you answer the phone no matter what you’re doing huh?”
“All I had to say was the word ‘labor’ and this man STOPPED CALLING A BOWL GAME and took off sprinting to the car to get to the airport and get on a 4 hour flight to make it home. I love you more than life baby and I am so beyond grateful for how you love me, care for me, and what you sacrifice for me.”