Restaurant Perfectly Answered Influencers Who Begging For Free Food For Exposure
Stop begging and start working, maybe?
Influencers and Instagram celebrities are almost like a plague to many businesses, especially small ones. It’s not like endorsing is a bad idea to promote your business, but many do not appreciate just freely giving our products for ‘exposure’.
Someone whose family owned quite a popular restaurant on an island in Greek shared his story on Reddit.
“My family has a restaurant on a Greek island. Here’s how we respond to the influencers asking for free food in exchange for social media coverage,” wrote the person.

The influencer made the usual offer: free food with my friend for social media tagging/exposure. If you’re Ed Sheeran’s management making this offer, pretty sure no business would reject that. Yet, we know a huge celebrity won’t do something like that because they never have to beg to ‘influence’.
In response, this person made a very reasonable offer and honestly, it doesn’t sound so bad.
Now the question: did the influencer take up the offer?
He wrote, “NO ONE has ever accepted to come under this condition.”
“Most of they time they don’t even reply and some even delete their original message.”
“Dear influencers: You are just making a fool out of yourselves by trying to create a fake cosmopolitan lifestyle based on begging.”
People are loving this story and how he made a reasonable offer where the restaurant still loses money, but for a better cause.