Principal Left His Teacher ‘In Tears’ After He Confiscate Pizzas She’d Bought As A Reward For Students
Now, they are planning for a school-wide pizza party.
Students of a class in Brody Middle School in Des Moines were getting excited for the pizza party that they’ve been promised. But the Iowa middle school’s principal was not amused and confiscated the pizzas right when it arrived. It was reported that Principal Thomas Hoffman left one of the teachers in tears.
The teacher had been promising the class the party for 3 months and was paying everything by herself. It became a viral issue when an irritated parent, Neil Erickson, shared the story on Facebook.
The students’ hardwork were about to paid off with pizzas. But Principal Thomas Hoffman thought it wasn’t fair for the school.

He wrote, “My son attends Brody Middle School here in Des Moines. His class earned a pizza party that I believe the teacher paid for. He has been excited about this for days…telling me about it and how they earned it.
“Well, today was the day. The pizzas were delivered to the class… the teacher paid and signed the receipt. Principal walks into the classroom and says ‘I never approve pizza parties’ or something to that effect.”
“He took the pizzas from the kids and let them sit in the office for the teacher to pick up after school. Now my son and his classmates lost the party they worked hard to earn and the pizza I’m sure is wasted now…and the teacher was left in tears. I just can’t believe it!”
This is Neil, one of the parents who were pissed off.

Dozens responded that called out the principal for cancelling the party, especially when it’s so close to Christmas day. Others think it was only right since the teacher should have gotten permission for it.
Principal Hoffman later released his statement on apologizing for cancelling the party.

“I know that many of you are upset about reports of a classroom pizza party, and the pizzas being taken away. I fully understand,” says the principal.
“As principal, one of my top priorities is fairness and equal opportunity for our students at Brody Middle School. That applies to everything from the chances they have to learn in the classroom to rewards and recognitions by our teachers and staff,” Hoffman explained.
“We have discussed this from time to time as a school, and have agreed that fairness is a criteria we want to follow in how we treat all Brody students,” he added.
“However, I do want to apologize for being overly strict in applying that standard today when it came to one of our classrooms. Most of all, I want to apologize for disappointing any of our students, and punishing them.”
He added, “I understand that many people have been talking about having pizzas delivered to Brody tomorrow. If that’s the case, we’ll gladly welcome any donations, and arrange for a nice sendoff for our 700 students on the last day before Winter break.”
So, now it sounds like a school-wide party is being planned!