People Are Roasting This Hilarious Job Ad Posted By A Popular LA Influencer
Always watch out for dangerous job ads!
In a day where looking for a job is almost impossible, it seems that employers are taking this chance to underpay their employees. A recent viral example is this job ad for a ‘Personal Assistant to Influencer’. Working for a famous individual should mean you have good pay, but despite the ’10 million followers’, new recruit is going to be overworked to death at, get this: $25/hr.
We’ll never know who this follower with 10m followers is or even if it’s really a celebrity with so many followers as they claim it to be. But imagine working 8 hours a day and be on standby 24/7.
Taylor Lorenz shared an ad without context.

First off, it’s a part-time job, about 8 hours a day. But you have to be ready on your phone for 24/7 and live approximately 40-60 minutes away from LA, no more no less. You need to drive YOUR own car for the 10m-follower-client but these aren’t even half of the ridiculousness of the ad.
You have to wake the client up, make coffee, clean, research, report on social media updates and performance. Basically, you’re a living organizer and butler in one.
Don’t forget, all of this ‘part-time’ job for $25 an hour. If you’re lucky, $30/hour.
Here are the roasts you’ve been waiting for.

Someone even jokingly sent a proposal.

On a more serious note, some pointed out the faults.