People Are Calling Out Celebrities Everyone Loves, But They Just Don’t Like And Why
Everyone loves them… not.
We must have that one popular person that we just can’t like no matter how much everyone around us gushes over them. We don’t get the charm they’re talking about or maybe even think they suck at what they do. And we can’t stop hoping to not see them in movies or shows anymore.
This Reddit user asked, “Who’s a celebrity everyone loves except for you and why?” And you can just feel how the comment section is the only place for them to vent out after being surrounded only by people that love them. Finally, someone said something about Lizzo and Adele.
“Zooey Deschanel. She always seems super bored and tired in her scenes. She has no acting range. She’s quirky for the first movie then you realize she has a dull personality. What is everybody seeing that I’m not?” – evilmonkey9361
“Kevin Hart. Can’t STAND his need to scream his lines in a childlike nasally voice. His serious movie that he made recently wasn’t terrible though.” – Joka0451
“Meryl Streep. People think she’s an acting goddess, and I’ve just never been impressed.” – iamveryweeb
“Neil Degrasse Tyson. He’s so f**king annoying. Stop being a d*ck and understand when people are speaking socially and when they are meaning something literally. Also, stop with your unsolicited science rants, you’re the astrophysicist version of mansplaining.” – ssb1001
“Ryan Reynolds. he’s just the same character in every movie, and that character is himself. makes anything he’s in boring because you know exactly what kind of character he is and what kind of movie it’s gonna be.” – Joshalow25
“Elon Musk. The dude is just the frontman of science. His engineers get no credit and the dude flaunts around like an idiot. He is smart, don’t get me wrong, but he does it in the wrong ways. And I have a belief that if you tell someone they’re the smartest for so long they lost the passion to continue to learn and stop being the smartest. So yeah, dude is just the lead singer of what his team does.” – WoknTaknStephenHawkn
“Beyoncé. I for one just think she is a hypocrite. The things she has spewed in the past, not forgetting all the times in DC where she stood in the middle, sang the most lines (yea cos she wrote the songs) had the best costumes (cos mumma Knowles made their outfits) all cos daddy was the manager. It was merely just her band and the girls were there to make her look good. She did Latoya, Latavia, and Farrah dirty by kicking them off the group.
Everyone now keeps talking about how her dad was the one that did all that and she was just poor old innocent Beyoncé. She has time and time again plagiarised work from other artists and make it seem like her own.” – Fishwhocantswim
“Seinfeld. He seems to be a comedy god to a lot of Americans. He’s just not very funny and worse is the constant one-upmanship he does with comedians. They’ve generally said something very funny then he has to add something less funny. I know that’s what happens when comedians get together but you know, make it funnier.
Don’t get me wrong the show Seinfeld has its moments and I enjoy it. It’s not his character I dislike; it’s him. I just don’t think he deserves the kudos!” – IAmDadNerd
“Vin Diesel. He is so boring. In every single movie, he plays the same type of character. Same tone. Same everything. There is no range. No diversity. Watching him act is fun the first few times, but then after that, I feel like I need a change of pace and would rather watch paint dry as it would give me more variety.
The only different role that man ever played was as a tree whose only line is ‘I am Groot.'” – DuckingGolden
“Oprah. She doesn’t seem very genuine or like she has good intentions.” – B**chCallMeGoku
“The Rock. I’m so tired of hearing his “I had seven bucks in my pocket” spiel while completely ignoring the fact that he has a well-connected wrestling dynasty family and is genetically gifted. Yes, you work hard, but people are out there dying because they can’t afford healthcare and food, so preaching to them to work harder in every interview while he hasn’t had to cook his own meal in literal decades is condescending as f**k.
Also, he’s a sh**ty actor. Every choice he makes is telegraphed. Even in Moana, you can hear him reading the copy with as much inflection as a teacher doing a sketch in an elementary school talent show. Plus, over-exposure. Also, that tagline for Black Adam, “the hierarchy of power in the DC universe is about to change” that he is dying to make work is atrocious.” – cperillo84
“Ariana Grande. I swear to God I want to love her as much as most 20-something-year-olds do. I’ve bopped to so many of her songs and “thank u, next” single-handedly got me over my high school heartbreak.
But whenever I see her on TV or in an interview, her voice/ appearance/ attitude feels like a new performance every time. I don’t know, it’s borderline uncomfortable to watch.” – furthers
“I just don’t love Adele…I know, I know everyone talks about what an amazing talent she is. Maybe, but her voice and her songs make me feel down and hopeless. Every. single. time. I. hear. them.” – mamameta
“Leonardo DiCaprio. I do believe he is a great actor but damn if there isn’t something about him that pisses me off. My feelings aren’t justified in any way! They are irrational and unexplainable. There is just something about the man that can be a real bummer for me.” – TheFloofAndi
“Anna Kendrick… pushes the “so quirky” thing a little too much for me.” – uhhshlay
“Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard. Everything I have learned about their marriage has been against my will.” – goodvibess2020
“Gal Gadot. Can’t act. Still annoyed about the “Imagine” fiasco.” – StevesMcQueenIsHere
“Lin Manuel Miranda. Terrible actor yet feels the need to insert himself in everything. And he’s a one-hit-wonder in my opinion.” – dcrowl1192
“I think Lizzo counts. At least it feels like there was a moment everyone was just in love with her. The songs I’ve heard from her are fine, but she’s praised Chris brown a little too much to be likable.” – S_rene_JG
“Kristen Stewart. Speaking as a gay girl, so many gay gals thirst after her but something about her rubs me the wrong way. She seems a little full of herself and seems fake.” – rosewoodian