People Are Buying IKEA’s Doll-Beds And Using Them For Their Cats
Felines aren’t only charmed with boxes after all!
In this world, there are the cat people as well as the dog people. Presently, the dog people so much appreciate their canine friend as they are perhaps the most faithful and loving animals’ humans will ever have.
But then, there are cat people, who do the things highlighted in this article. Genius people have found a way around spoiling their cats the more, repurposing a thing of the kids into a cherished throne for their feline.
The IKEA DUKTIG Doll Beds designed for kids, valued at $14.99 are now used for cats instead. Initially aimed at encouraging a make-believe play for young kids and their toys, the mini bed allows these felines to stick out their tails if they intend to relax.
Surprisingly, some DIY beings have gone to the extent of transforming these Mini beds into bunk beds. Look, there are photos to prove the said actions. Enjoy!
More Info: IKEA























