Oreo Launches Lady Gaga-Themed Cookies That Are Pink And Green
Inspired from Lady Gaga’s new album, Chromatic Oreo cookies are born.
Oreo is not new to launching new flavors to keep its loyal customers entertained. This time, Oreo has worked together with pop star Lady Gaga to launch a new flavor based on the singer’s latest album ‘Chromatica.’ No color could have represented Gaga more than the pink and green than Oreo chose.

When asked, Oreo described that this Lady Gaga-themed Oreo variant is pink Golden Oreo cookies with green colored original creme. The designs of the stamps on the cookies are based on the album Lady Gaga is releasing.

A sneak peak of four new cookie designs are shared by Oreo as well. The 34-year-old ‘Born This Way’ singer revealed in a statement, “This collab is inspired by the world of Chromatica, where kindness rules all things. ‘I love these pink cookies with green creme, and hope they brighten your day as much as they do mine!”

The packaging comes in hot pink with LADY GAGA name plastered on in. A heart symbol and the album logo is also printed. This limited edition Oreo cookies will be available only in the US starting January 2021.
Lady Gaga also shared a video of herself enjoying the oreo!

You can also get a chance to win one six-pack for free if you sign up for Lady Gaga x OREO Stan Club. The reward is only limited to the first 1000 people who registered on LadyGagaOREOStanClub.com.