Online Shoppers In The Philippines Take Proof Of Delivery To The Next Level
Which look caught your attention?
We’ve witnessed the Philippines make the best of every situation, from the war on drugs to health crises. And now, a mundane activity which became popularly used during the quarantine: online shopping delivery, has interestingly taken a whole new level. Proof of product delivery photoshoots could be the next major habit to emulate in 2021 across the globe, and just as the Filipinos have gotten involved, we all might soon be for it.
Naturally, people working in the logistics sector, notably delivery drivers, often take photo evidence to prove that ordered items have reached the right destination. But there’s a plot twist: Philippine online shoppers are instead taking full-blown proof of delivery photoshoots.

A Facebook page titled: @ourasianspage posted a few hilarious ones, and it ranges from people doing the over-the-shoulder booty shots to even doing the peace sign. A few people have gone next level, preparing a backdrop for the proof of delivery photoshoot. However, we’ve compiled a few for your perusal, and they certainly will be quick to leave you laughing-out-loud. Enjoy!




According to GMA News Online, one shopper identified as Joyceeh Epino specifically had a backdrop for her photoshoot. Joyceeh explained she had been feeling frustrated with how unprepared she appears each time the delivery man arrived. She claims another reason for her act is to spread love and good vibes amid this troubled period.
