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Neighbor Calls Cops To Save Woman Screaming ‘Let Me Out’, Turns Out To Be Parrot


Neighbor Calls Cops To Save Woman Screaming ‘Let Me Out’, Turns Out To Be Parrot

The sweetest prank ever!

A neighbor recently called the police on hearing a woman screaming ‘Help, Help, Let Me Out’, but it turned out to be Parrot.

Responding to the residence in Lake Worth Beach, Florida, four  Sheriff’s deputies found a man working on a car in his driveway. The heard scream did lead a neighbor into believing a woman was possibly held captive.

Neighbor Calls Cops To Save Woman Screaming ‘Let Me Out’, Turns Out To Be Parrot

The Parrot Owner explained: ‘I was changing the brakes of my wife’s car and also had my Parrot, who’s named Rambo, 40, on his outside perch where he talks and sings. Four officers showed up saying a neighbor called because she heard a woman shouting for help.’

The unidentified owner continued:  ‘Many at times, Rambo yells, ‘Help, Help, Let Me Out’- a thing I taught him when I was a kid. Rambo from the onset lived in a cage.’

Neighbor Calls Cops To Save Woman Screaming ‘Let Me Out’, Turns Out To Be Parrot

As seen in the footage, the owner, however, retrieved his 40-year-old parrot, Rambo and can be seen greeting the officers who appeared to share a laugh before leaving the residence.

Neighbor Calls Cops To Save Woman Screaming ‘Let Me Out’, Turns Out To Be Parrot

Also speaking, the Palm Beach Country Sheriff’s Office wrote on Facebook: ‘Our deputies in Lake Worth Beach rushed to help someone screaming for help. Hilarity ensued.’

Watch The Video Here:

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