‘My Girlfriend Wants Me To Sleep With Her Twin Sister And I Don’t Know What To Do’
This isn’t a troll post. Most probably.
You think ‘Extreme Sisters’ are truly special cases. But are close sisters supposed to be ‘this’ close? We’ll let you be the judge, just like how this man shared his story of how his girlfriend asked him to sleep with her depressed sister once to cheer her up.
The author, a 23-year-old man, penned a story of how his girlfriend, 22, suggested something totally… radical to him.

Here’s the good part:

Man was utterly confused at her suggestion and really needed some serious advice.

Summing up the story, this man is dating a woman with a twin sister. That twin sister dated a dishonest, arrogant prick, whom she broke up with after her heart was broken from his affair. But as he spiraled down the depression route, his girlfriend asked if he’s willing to sleep with her once to make her feel wanted.
Needless to say, our man doesn’t want that to happen as it’ll bring issues to the relationship. One confused reader commented, “Assuming this isn’t a troll post, this is one of the most profoundly terrible ideas I’ve ever heard.”
Another added, “It’s not ok just because you’re a man. It’s not ok because it’s made you filled with fears and doubts and it’s very manipulative in my opinion.”
Another wrote, “Yeah definitely do not do this. It’ll not only change your relationship with your girlfriend, it’ll change her relationship with her sister. Forever.
“Maybe it’ll only change it slightly, but even that could be the end of things for you. The sister could catch feelings. The girlfriend could change her mind and end up jealous. You could catch feelings for the sister. Anything could happen, and almost none of it is good for you.”
He later gave an update on what happened.

He finally talked with his girlfriend again after dodging her due to being confused. But after talking, his girlfriend showed a change of heart and said that she was “deeply ashamed and terrified.” She also regretted suggesting it and didn’t want to see him sleep with anyone else but her.
The author wrote, “I reassured her that I love her, I think she is perfectly normal and I am not intending to leave her or anything like that.”
She then explained how she got into the idea that she told him the other day. “Apparently she and her sister talk an awfully f**king lot about sex and relationships and are very open about it, which in turn means they are talking about our relationship and me a lot,” the man wrote in his post. Along with that, the twin sister has also “fantasized quite a few times” about him.
The idea she suggest was because she had the desire of “wanting to share something I greatly treasure” with her sister.