Mum Of Archie Shares Pics Of The Happy, Bubbly Boy Months Before He Was Murdered
He passed away believing no one loved him.
Arthur Labinjo-Hughes experienced unimaginable sufferings at the hands of his Stepmom, 32, and father, Thomas Hughes, 29. In February 2019, the young boy was pushed into his father’s custody after his biological mom Olivia Labinjo-Halcrow, 29, murdered her partner Gary Cummingham by stabbing him 12 times with a kitchen knife in a drunken rage.
Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, 6, was left with a brain injury while in the care of his stepmother Emma Tustin.

During this time, Hughes met with mom-of-four Tustin on Plenty of Fish, and the couple moved with Arthur into her home near Solihull in the West Midlands when the government declared a global lockdown in March 2020. However, Labinjo-Halcrow has finally spoken of her torment of his death. Her mom, Madeleine Halcrow, delivered her statement. She regularly paused after bursting into tears.
His biological mom [left] had released photos showing them smiling months before he was killed.

Similarly, photos showing a smiling Arthur with his biological mom months before he was tortured, beaten, and murdered by his evil stepmother have also emerged. The pictures had shown a happy, bubbly Arthur beaming as he enjoyed time with Olivia. In one of the images, he was seen wearing a Superman T-shirt, while in another, he looked happy as he strolled along a pavement with a Build-a-bear teddy bear in a bag slung over his shoulders.
One image shows him around his mother’s arms as he held a marshmallow on a stick.

He was also seen strolling along a pavement and smiling at the camera with a build-a-bear bag.

Sadly, the last images of Arthur alive recorded on a CCTV before he was killed showed the thin little boy unable to stand or walk, weeping “no one loves me,” and no one’s going to feed me.” Oliva, who is serving 11years in prison for killing her partner, said in her statement: “He was just a child, he had no one to talk to, no one to ask for help when he was scared and needed protecting the most.”
The photos offered a sharp contrast to the pain-stricken six-year-old seen in this last footage of him alive.

“My son’s bright blue, effervescent eyes lost their sparkle, and they weren’t smiling anymore. They took his sparkle and his naivety from him, and then they took him from this world. A child, my child, my little love defenseless, trusting, and nothing but loving was killed. His short life was stolen; he will never see another Christmas, another birthday.”
In a statement, Ms. Labinjo-Halcrow, who is serving 11 years in prison, spoke of the loss of her son.

“They took his sparkle and his naivety from him, and then they took him from this world.” She said.

Oliva recalled the last time she spoke to Arthur revealing, “It was the most excited I had ever heard him. He knew he was going to see me soon. He asked how many packets of drumstick squashes I had saved him. I told him he could have as many packets as he wanted as long as he ate his sausage, mash, and peas first. He giggled his usual mischievous and said, ‘OK, mum, I promise.”
However, Emma Tustin, 32, (left) killed Arthur by slamming his head on a hard surface after she and 29-year-old Thomas Hughes (right) starved and poisoned him with salt.

“He never got his Drumstick Squashies, and I never go to remind him just how beautiful he was or how much he was loved.” Arthur’s other grandmother, Joanna Hughes, has also spoken. She claimed she wanted it on the record that Arthur had been a happy, joyous child. She added that he was also sunlight in all of their lives and that his death had turned their lives into a perpetual grey.
The Heartbreaking Moment When Arthur Cried That ‘No One Loved Him.’
Source: Dailymail