Mom Shares Video Of Her Daughter After Her Drink Was Spiked At Nightclub
An incident to certainly learn from.
Millie Taplin went clubbing for the first time since she turned 18. But the milestone witnessed a plot twist when she had to be rushed by her friends to A&E after sipping a drink given to her by a man. The carer from Southend-On-Sea, Essex, was left in the state ‘Frozen’ for about four hours, unable to walk nor speak.
Millie Taplin, 18, was left frozen for four hours after her drink was spiked at a nightclub.

The man had offered Millie a vodka lemonade and told her to ‘try this at the Moo Moo nightclub. She allegedly had a few sips because the drink was too strong, but about 5-10mintutes later, she fell in and ran outside to throw up. Soon, she couldn’t control her hands and legs. Now, Millie’s mom Claire Taplin, 48, has shared a disturbing clip of the incident hoping to warn young girls never to accept a drink from a stranger.
Her mom, Claire (pictured right), shared a disturbing clip of the incident to save others from similar situations.

A stranger had offered Millie a vodka lemonade and told her to try this at the Moo Moo nightclub in Southend.

In the clip shared to Facebook, Millie squirmed on the hospital bed with her eyes wide open and her jaw clenched. “This is what being spiked looks like; please be careful when out; my daughter was lucky she had good friends that acted accordingly. Share this post make people aware X.” Claire said in another post on Facebook.
“It was the most disturbing sight of my daughter I have ever seen. We do not want anyone else to go through it,” Claire commented.

In response to her mom’s post (in the comments), Millie added that she’s never been so terrified in her entire life. She stated: “Wouldn’t wish that feeling upon anyone at all, never been so scared in my life x.” Speaking with The Mirror, Millie explained: “I had a couple of sips of the drink and went to the smoking area. I came back and felt I’d drunk too much, and then I went outside to be sick.”
Following her recovery, Millie claimed that she’s never been so terrified in her entire life.

Here’s the full clip. Be guarded!
Millie claimed that horrifyingly, she was aware of her environment the whole time. “I knew everything going on. I could reply to people in my head, but I couldn’t get it out. It was really scary. In my head, I was there, but in my body, I wasn’t.” Mirror reported that the teenager got discharged the morning after the incident.
Reportedly, Millie now thinks twice about going out, which of course, no one should have to feel like that.”

However, drugging has more people, particularly young women having their drinks spiked, making them vulnerable and in life-threatening situations. According to a recent survey, the American Addiction Center showed that out of 900 respondents, 44% of men and 56% of women revealed that they’ve unknowingly had their drink spiked. Let’s always be guarded!