Mark Hamill Wants To Be Vesemir In ‘The Witcher’
Now we wait for official reports.
So, who has finished ‘The Witcher’ this week? The new original Netlfix series brags a line of incredible casts with Henry Cavill acting as Geralt of Rivia. He was hot, sexy, and the perfect actor who portrayed Geralt’s voice accurately. No wonder, he was a fan of the series himself.
Now, people are thinking about who Vesemir should be played by. Vesemir is a father figure to Geralt, a character that may have touched the heart of some and definitely the heart of Geralt.

An old tweet from 2018 had Lauren Schmidt Hissrich tweeting about Vesemir as a ‘fatherly, wise, sprightly and ancient’ figure from the series. The executive producer and showrunner’s tweet was replied by fans who think Mark Hamill can play the role.

To which Hamill replies positively, even though he does not know who or what they were talking about!

The character doesn’t appear in the books until ‘Blood of Elves’. Honestly, though, this sounds like we’ve already had Vesemir’s actor secured. He’s already done great work in a similar role in ‘Knightfall’ and who’s to say that he won’t do a great job as Vesemir, too?