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Man Turned Staircase Into A Functional Wine Cellar That Can Hold 156 Bottles


Man Turned Staircase Into A Functional Wine Cellar That Can Hold 156 Bottles

At first glance, these wooden stairs appear like a set of beautiful well-designed steps.

Wine is delightful, isn’t it? Accordingly, having own wine cellar is also another wonderful thing in a home.

Well, the era for home DIY projects is here and it’s mostly linked with spring. The DIY session is an opportunity to come out of the winter hibernation into freshening up the space you’ve become quite familiar with amid the course of the colder periods.

Here, one man skillfully DIYed his staircase into a thing people from across the globe would want to try out this spring. At first glance, these wooden stairs appear like a set of beautiful well-designed steps.

Man Turned Staircase Into A Functional Wine Cellar That Can Hold 156 Bottles
Facebook | Murray Berrill Constructions

But you’re wrong as they’re so much more than you can imagine. The stairs are particularly a secret wine cellar decorated by Murray Berill, an Australian Builder. And as magic works, the stairs can be pulled out to show drawers that hold precious bottles of wine – 156 to be precise.

Man Turned Staircase Into A Functional Wine Cellar That Can Hold 156 Bottles
Facebook | Murray Berrill Constructions

Murray admitted that all together, the drawers and the stairs cost him just $3000 to design. No one would have suspected a staircase for a wine cellar and that exactly why Murray’s DIY project is a genius.

Man Turned Staircase Into A Functional Wine Cellar That Can Hold 156 Bottles
Facebook | Murray Berrill Constructions

A big round of applause to Murray for unveiling a great DIY project concept. He sure deserves it!

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