Woman Showed Her Husband Her Underwear After He Kept Accusing Her Of Being On Her Period, People Want Her To Divorce Him
“Throw the whole man away.”
Don’t you love it when men disrespect you by saying that whenever you’re annoyed, you’re on your period? That’s what a woman was facing and this came from her own husband, the man who’s supposed to be in love with her and respect her.

But alas, here we are, one more divorce to look forward to.
A Reddit user asked if she was too much “for pulling my pants down and showing my husband my underwear after he insisted that I was on my period when I wasn’t?”

Spoiler alert: she wasn’t. The story began:
“My husband has a habit of blaming my behavior/reaction on my period. For example, when we argue, he’ll say, ‘I won’t argue anymore since you tend to act crazy when you’re on your period,’ or even say, ‘I know you didn’t mean to do/say that but couldn’t help it since it’s that time of month for you.’ It’s so irritating, and it prevents me from being allowed to express myself.”
“It happened again last night at the dinner table. We had an argument about him forgetting to fill my car with gas after he used it, and when I expressed my frustration, he said, ‘We will not talk about this now since you appear to be on your period.’ I said that I was not on my period, and that this was just me feeling frustrated with him. He insisted he wouldn’t talk about this then and insisted he wouldn’t hear what I had to say since ‘I was on my period and I was being irrational during the argument.'”

“I snapped and had enough. So, I got up, stood in front of him while he was still eating, pulled down my pants, and showed him my underwear.”
“He made a grossed out face and shouted, ‘That’s nasty, I’m eating my damn dinner, damnit.’ We had a full-blown argument, and he said I acted horribly and ruined his appetite by pulling that nasty move. He told me to grow up and stop being spiteful over nothing.”
“He keeps saying I grossed him out during dinner and made him go to bed hungry. AITA? Did I overreact?”

So, hey, this might be new for that man, but it’s never okay to bring someone’s condition to discredit their opinion. And having a period doesn’t mean someone cannot think clearly anymore, that’s totally not the case. On top of that, one should always own their mistakes, right?

And readers couldn’t have agreed more with her action to shut the husband down.