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Man Gets Called ‘Necrophiliac’ For Marrying A Woman 37 Years Older Than Him


Man Gets Called ‘Necrophiliac’ For Marrying A Woman 37 Years Older Than Him

“You’re a fossil.”

Even in the eyes of couples with age gap, Cheryl McGregor’s husband was a unicorn for them. The couple who’ve been married for half a year shocked people because of the 37 years gap between their ages, and everyone thought he was her grandchild.

Cheryl McGregor was 61 when she got married to her husband, Quran.

Man Gets Called 'Necrophiliac' For Marrying A Woman 37 Years Older Than Him

While the couple always looks happy on their social media, many were against the huge gap and sent them hate comments from time to time.

Man Gets Called 'Necrophiliac' For Marrying A Woman 37 Years Older Than Him

The grandma-of-17 made a video that hits back at trolls who wrote hate comments such as “You married your grandma”, “You’re a fossil”, “Y’all should break up”, “This is sick”, “He’s using you”, “This is necrophilia,” and “You should get Botox.”

Man Gets Called 'Necrophiliac' For Marrying A Woman 37 Years Older Than Him

The two first met when Quran was 15 in 2012. He was working at Cheryl’s son’s fast food restaurant back then.

Man Gets Called 'Necrophiliac' For Marrying A Woman 37 Years Older Than Him

The two fell out of contact after that until November 2020. Quran met Cheryl again, who was working as a cashier. The two officialized their relationship in April 2021.

Quran proposed to her three months later with a ring that cost $3000.

Man Gets Called 'Necrophiliac' For Marrying A Woman 37 Years Older Than Him

Quran shared, “I was extremely nervous before, and I tried my best to keep my composure, but I was crying as soon as we entered the parking lot.”

The two got married on September 3 and streamed the procession on TikTok. Since then, they’ve been active on the platform, where they’ve amassed over 1.8 million followers.

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