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Lost Dog Waits 4 Years In The Same Spot Until He Gets Reunited With Owners


Lost Dog Waits 4 Years In The Same Spot Until He Gets Reunited With Owners

Truly, a man’s best friend!!

Dogs are truly a man’s best friend! The saying is really a thing to agree with. Hundreds of stories about dogs whose love for their owners overshadows that of another being has clearly proved this.

Just recently, a story of Leo, a doggy from Thailand went highly viral. His owners had accidentally left him near a gas station and since then, the dog never left the spot, patiently waiting for years until the family returned.

Lost Dog Waits 4 Years In The Same Spot Until He Gets Reunited With Owners
Lost Dog Waits 4 Years In The Same Spot Until He Gets Reunited With Owners

Several individuals had equally wanted to assist the dog since he was starving and looked thin. Appearing like Leo had some sort of skin disease, a 45-Year old woman, Soawalak had also fed him with so much food after taking him home, but in return, Leo constantly escapes and found in the same spot by the road.

Lost Dog Waits 4 Years In The Same Spot Until He Gets Reunited With Owners
Lost Dog Waits 4 Years In The Same Spot Until He Gets Reunited With Owners
Lost Dog Waits 4 Years In The Same Spot Until He Gets Reunited With Owners
Lost Dog Waits 4 Years In The Same Spot Until He Gets Reunited With Owners
Anuchit Uncharoen

With several attempts, Soawalak gave up and kept bringing food for him by the roadside. Another troubled individual, Anuchit Uncharoen also took to social media in order to find Leo’s owner. In Anuchit’s post, he shared some images and mentioned that Leo has been waiting for four years for his lost owner.

The concern folks of the internet world responded by sharing the post and indeed a miracle happened. The real owner/family of Leo found him once more.

Lost Dog Waits 4 Years In The Same Spot Until He Gets Reunited With Owners
Lost Dog Waits 4 Years In The Same Spot Until He Gets Reunited With Owners
Anuchit Uncharoen
Lost Dog Waits 4 Years In The Same Spot Until He Gets Reunited With Owners

His owners contacted Anuchit and described Leo, who is originally called ‘BonBon’ the dog they lost in 2015. The family had imagined the worst after realizing he had gone missing.

Expectedly, BonBon was very delighted to see his family once more, but shockingly, he wasn’t willing to follow them home. It appeared like he chose to stay with the woman who has been taking care of him for the past 4 years.

Lost Dog Waits 4 Years In The Same Spot Until He Gets Reunited With Owners
Anuchit Uncharoen
Lost Dog Waits 4 Years In The Same Spot Until He Gets Reunited With Owners
Lost Dog Waits 4 Years In The Same Spot Until He Gets Reunited With Owners
Lost Dog Waits 4 Years In The Same Spot Until He Gets Reunited With Owners

Quite a shock for everyone online as well, some individuals were, however, excited that he got to see his former owners as well as found a new home.

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