Level 1 Gamer Uses A Dance Pad To Defeat Final Boss Of Dark Souls 3
This is an outstanding one!
As far as challenging games go, not many series actually rank as highly as Dark Souls. And while Dark Souls 3 is the most played of the franchise, it’s evidently no cakewalk even for experts. But fortunately, a gamer identified as Luality has made the whole game look very easy as she defeated the final boss with a level 1 character on the DDR dance pad.

Undeniably, the Dark Soul Series is quite notorious for its difficulty and indeed professionals have been impressed by Lau’s statics. In a viral video, Lua was seen dancing on a pad, which of course should make the majority of Dark Souls 3 players question their abilities with a normal controller.

Luality is, nevertheless, not like most players as she equally beat down the Soul of Cinder with ease of mind. Accordingly, she completed the Dark Souls 3 cosplaying as Final Fantasy VII’s Tifa Lockhart,

‘To defeat the boss took about seven hours of practice. I have experience in playing with the DDR pad on dark souls and it was sincerely not easy. The most challenging boss I did on a dance pad was the Dark Eater Midir and it indeed took me two months to do and that was with a level 80 character. I tried it on and off!’ Lua explained.

Nevertheless, the Dark Souls trilogy is categorized as part of the Digital Trends’ list of the best video games to literally play when stuck at home. The games are readily available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Pc. The Dark Souls Remastered is also available on the Nintendo Switch.