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People Filed Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him


People Filed Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him

He got an employee badge!

Every individual sure has sympathy for homeless cats. Out of the many seen roaming around, one feline seemed to have all the luck in the world. The homeless kitty has been hired in order to silence people filing a complaint against it.

Some people were angered that Leon the cat has been hanging around the Order of Attorneys of Brazil and as a result started filing complaints about it being in the reception section. The action of the OAB was indeed awesome:  It hired Leon as a lawyer to stop the incoming complaints!

More info: Instagram (Dr. Leon) | Instagram (Auriney Brito)

Leon the Homeless cat decided to make the OAB his new home!

People Filed Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him
DrJeanette Laredo

However, some people didn’t like that and started filing complaints, but Leon was given a role!

People Filed Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him
People Filed Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him
DrJeanette Laredo

Immediately, Dr. Jeanette Laredo shared the good news about Leon becoming an official employee, the news went viral.

Dr. Leon the lawyer cat presently welcomes clients coming into the organization. He’s now well-known and now has his own Instagram page. Over 30,000 individuals follow Leon on Instagram.

Leon was made an OAB employee to silence critics!

People Filed Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him

“In February, it rained a lot in the state of Amapa (Amazonia), so Leon arrived at the OAB fleeing from the rain and thunder. For 7 days, he was protected and fed in a box until he got a job.’ The lawyer’ representative told Bored Panda.

People Filed Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him
People Filed Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him

Accordingly, the representatives disclosed that people filed complaints about the cat because he was very little and were scared of stepping on him.

‘There was no space for him because it is an organized institution. So the president of OAB agreed on hiring him with an employee badge.’ The representative added.

Leon looks incredibly handsome in his uniform

People Filed Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him
People Filed Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him
People Filed Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him
People Filed Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him

The cat loves welcoming strangers

People Filed Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him
People Filed Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him

An adorable way to welcome someone into the building

People Filed Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him
People Filed Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him

Leon has his ID Card on his collar

People Filed Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him
People Filed Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him

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