Karen Continuously Annoys Neighbors, Shut Down After They Became Her Landlord
One of our worst nightmares.
Is asking for a decent neighbor a bit too much? Those of you who’ve had to deal with disrespectful people as your housemates or neighbors know exactly the pain. There’s not a single peaceful day or week.
And what if it’s a pair of Karen and BillyBob with three gremlins?! You can imagine the chaos and headache they could make.
This Reddit user, however, does not let them step on her did the ultimate comeback. Not after settling down on a nice lot overlooking the sea.

“Me and Karen: A Love Story,” she titled her story.

She further clarified their housing situations.
“A lot of people misunderstood the beginning. Let’s call our side of the duplex, Duplex OP. The other duplex is Duplex Karen.
“We purchased Duplex OP. After we bought it, Duplex OP was no longer a rental. Both Duplex OP and Duplex Karen were for sale independently, but we only had the money to buy Duplex OP. Duplex Karen is still a rental because it has never sold.”

Are you on the edge of your seat? Because you have to prepare for finally the climax of the story.

“Now we own both Duplex OP and Duplex Karen. Duplex Karen is still a rental. Duplex OP is still not a rental. When we made property improvements to Duplex OP, it was ours and not a rental,” she later added in her post.
As the post goes viral on Reddit in April, the poster decided to keep people tuned to what’s happened. A few days later she wrote, “Not much to update, folks. Karen and family’s lease isn’t up until the end of July. Rent has been paid on time. As far as I know, she doesn’t have a new place lined up.
“We’ve served her 30-day notice we will not be renewing the lease. We also offered in writing that we will pro-rate July and waive the termination fee if they want to leave before the end of the lease.”
She added, “Beyond the near-weekly loud parties and having to call the police because the kids were throwing lit fireworks at our boat, not much beyond the norm.”
Then four months later in August, she shared that Karen’s boyfriend had been arrested after a big fight erupted between the couple. She also hasn’t received “any rent,” despite the couple still living on their property on rent.
She wrote, “I’ve been told by our lawyer, once some laws are changed/removed in September, we can have the police escort them off the property that day since we’ve already filed the eviction. It’s just a sh**show right now.”
“Karen is being extra smug. She tried to push her bounds and kept coming over to our property. A talk with the cops set her straight, but she’s playing music loud and just tossing her trash everywhere,” she added.
“We really wanted to move our elderly parents in after a quick remodel because dad needs shoulder surgery badly and mom now needs a walker. They need more care and it’s getting harder driving two hours a day to do that. Our parents want their own space though and won’t live on our side with us. My husband and I are trying not to be angry and make things worse with Karen, but we are both exhausted. Things just suck.”
The story isn’t quite yet finished and you can perhaps treat this as an extra to the main story. On 3 Dec 2020, she wrote, “Life is weird.”
Unfortunately, she’s still living next to our OP while her husband goes off to take care of the parents during their surgery and everything. Things are looking fine there. She continued, “Here’s the weird part though. In October, Karen’s mother, Susan, came to live with her since Susan’s landlord chose not to renew her lease.”

“SUSAN IS AN ANGEL! Susan was MORTIFIED at Karen’s and the kid’s behavior. Susan is a tough one and has been cleaning house (both figuratively and literally). The kids are so much better behaved and Karen stomps around like a sullen child.”
“Susan and I share drinks every few days in the backyard. We bake together too every weekend. For Thanksgiving and Christmas, since no one was traveling for the holidays, we made a big feast and set it up outside with some backyard games. It was a great time and even Karen was being pleasant.”
“I tried to tell Susan not to worry about rent until they find another place, but she insisted on paying. I lied about how much the rent was so it’s only a half payment, but it just covers the taxes/insurance. We drew up another lease that is month-to-month.”
“Susan wants to move back home at some point and take her daughter with her. Karen, I think is ready for a change too, but obviously, with COVID it might take some time. It’s pretty pleasant right now though, so I’m in no hurry for them to leave.”
Justice is served, everyone is happy, except the Karen.