‘Joker’ Director Todd Phillips Says The Movie Featured A Scene Too ‘Extreme’ For The Final Cut
So crazy, they decided not to add that.
When Joaquin Phoenix and Todd Phillips were faced with questions about whether the movie would ignite a dangerous flame in people, it probably didn’t cross their mind that it’s a movie that would sweep everyone under their feet and become one of the highest-grossing movies ever.

‘Joker’ earned $984 million, almost reaching the tenth number. And people love how Joaquin Phoenix was genuinely Arthur Fleck throughout the story. His pain, his loneliness, and madness drove him delusional.

And we all remember that scene where Fleck began emptying his fridge as we guess what was it he was trying to take out… It turns out that the question was what was it that he wanted to put in.
Todd Phillips says that he and Phoenix has a unique session to create a believable Joker character.
“So, we would finish our days early sometimes, and we started doing this thing, Joaquin and I, we called it… a study of insomnia,” says the director. “It was our own fun little thing like, “We have an hour left in the day. Let’s light this kitchen. Joaquin, let’s do something over by the sink or the fridge, and let’s just set up two cameras.”
“The fridge was one of those. It wasn’t in the script. It was something that Joaquin just kind of did and there were a few others,” he revealed. “There’s only one other that’s in the movie, and it’s when he’s laughing after he goes to Zazie’s [Beetz] apartment. And he comes back down the hall, and he’s laughing alone in that living room.

And there is one that they liked but didn’t make it to the theatrical cut. Todd Phillips commented, “There were two or three others we shot, one that is amazing in a bathtub, but I don’t think we can actually include it in an R-rated movie. And it’s not because it was pornographic; it was just insane.”
He chose to not add the details on it after that. And it’s very unlikely that Todd Phillips will reveal more on this ‘bathtub’ scene as he’s opposed to released deleted scenes. If anything, a sequel would be our only hope as Warner Bros. wouldn’t want to let go of their biggest success just yet.