It’s Official: Keanu Reeves Is Working With Marvel To Bring Him Into The Universe
Way too many things we want to see him act as.
The talk to get Keanu Reeves is something that has been happening for a while. Kevin Feige and Marvel have long considered getting him a role in the universe, but they haven’t found the right one. This time, though, they might have with the confirmation of the movies for Phase 4 of the MCU.

Keanu Reeves might get to star next to Benedict Cumberbatch in ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’. And his role is going to be the supervillain Nightmare. This came from an insider who also said that Taskmaster is going to be the main antagonist for ‘Black Widow’ and that Black Knight will be introduced.

So far, they have been accurate, and while the talks may not be wrong, it’s still not yet confirmed. Even so, Marvel has a lot of characters in store for Reeves to choose from. But we know he won’t be part of ‘The Eternals’ anymore.

On the other hand, DC is looking to casting the actor back for a sequel of ‘Constantine’. Rumors have it that Reeves might also portray Deathstroke for DC in their new movie. The push and pull are real as so far, no actors who worked on DC has worked on Marvel and vice-versa, not at least at the same time.