Internet Users Are Loving This Ohio Judge For Giving Animal Abusers A Taste Of Their Own Medicine
These are some seriously biblical punishments!
Humans have rights, so the same for every animal on Planet Earth. Animals should be respected as none deserves to be treated harshly. But unfortunately, there’s an inappropriate figure of individuals who enjoys maltreating animals or perhaps don’t even observe they’re doing it.
With many escaping the long arm of the law, those who are unlucky might end up in front of Judge Michael Cicconetti of Painesville, Ohio.
The now-retired Judge is known for dishing out creative and unusual punishment to animal abusers as a way of giving them a taste of their own medicine. This way, the lesson from maltreating animals is very much likely to stick forever.
To be clear, the Judge never gave out dangerous and illegal punishment but did teach offenders something about not being jerks.
Judge Cicconetti Gives Out Creative Sentences To Animal Abusers

He allowed A Woman, Who Abandoned 35 Kittens In The Woods Spend A Night In The Woods All By Herself

‘How would you like to be dumped off at a metro park late at night, spending the night out listening to coyotes and raccoons all around you in the dark night? How would you feel sitting out there in the cold not knowing where next to get a meal, not knowing when you will be rescued? The Judge asked the woman, who abandoned the 35 kittens.
Another Woman Who Kept Her Dog In Filth Also Spent A Day In The Town Dump

To the woman whose dog was living in filth, the Judge said: ‘I want you to go down to the country dump to landfill and interestingly I want them to find the stinkiest and smelliest odor place they can locate in that dump and you will sit there for 8hour tomorrow. After which you will think about what you did to that dog while you perceive the odor.’

You Can Watch The Judge And A Defendant Talking
A Video That Gives More Detail About Judge Cicconetti
People Love The Judge’s Sentences, Admitting They Were On Point