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‘I Can’t Make Friends With Girls Because I’m Pretty And They’re Jealous’


‘I Can’t Make Friends With Girls Because I’m Pretty And They’re Jealous’

It’s about time women stop thinking they are all in a competition.

Ariana Savannahh has acknowledged that ‘pretty privilege’ exists and has also accepted that being attractive can make certain things in someone’s life easier. However, the stunning woman shared there are some negative aspects of being blessed with good looks. She’s desperately in need of a best friend, but she can’t get girls to like her.

Ariana Savannahh recently opened up about the bad side of pretty privilege.

The TikToker has always struggled to maintain friendships with women due to how attractive she is.

'I Can't Make Friends With Girls Because I'm Pretty And They're Jealous'

In a video on her TikTok with nearly 50K followers, Ariana said she expected to be attacked for speaking out about her good appearance’s downsides, but people seem to find the situation quite relatable. “There’s also a bad side that nobody talks about, and I’m going to talk about my experience as a woman,” She said.

Being talked about behind her back was tough, and the university was the hardest point for her.

'I Can't Make Friends With Girls Because I'm Pretty And They're Jealous'
@arianasavannah storytime #women #prettyprivilege original sound – ariana

Arina revealed she would go home and cry to her mom, telling her how difficult it was to make female friends.

Ariana added: “I don’t have many girlfriends. And it is something I’ve struggled with for a long time, and I’ve never really understood why. Girls will always be like, ‘oh my gosh, I love you so much, you’re so gorgeous.” This has blighted her since she was at school and throughout the university. Most girls she crossed paths with tend to make plans to hang out with her, but she’s often stood up.

Her family had told her: “Ari, it’s so obvious… people don’t like to not be the prettiest person in the room.”

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She had wanted to talk about this issue often but held back because she knew she might be attacked over it.

She continued: “Then this comes around, and I’m always left out and talked about poorly behind my back. And it never makes sense because I’m always being so kind, so genuine.” This situation as at a point, left Arianna thinking: “What the f*** is going on?” And having suffered from a knock to her confidence, she recalled going home to her family and telling them she was struggling to make friends at university. 

Her struggle to make friends with women got so bad that she joined a group of boys instead.

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Till now, Ariana says she still doesn’t know the answer to why people dislike her, even if they haven’t met her.

According to Arianna, her family told her she intimidates other people with her attractiveness, and as a result, she ended up joining a group of boys to make friends. Over the years, the TikToker says she still doesn’t know the answer for why people dislike her, even if they haven’t met her. She admitted it gets lonely because she’s tired of women thinking they are all in a competition

“It gets lonely. I’m tired of women thinking we’re all in a competition. We’re all beautiful; can we all be friends?”

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Many people in the comment of the video have since praised Ariana for her honesty.

She concluded her video: “People assume pretty people can’t struggle with things or don’t experience bad because they’re pretty, but that’s not the case.” Many people applauded her for her honesty in the comments, with one saying: “I’m happy you made this video. I’ve struggled with this so much, friends who full-on try to tear me down as kind and humble as I’ve been to them.” Another added: “As one of the non-pretty girls, I can tell it’s simply because they are jealous. It may sound cliché, but it’s true.”

People also suggested that Ariana not having female friends is simply because they are jealous.

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