Homeless Couple Get Free Makeover And Wedding Photoshoot After 24 Years Together
Their first wedding was held after they were 24 years together.
When most couples love to hang their wedding picture in the living room, this homeless couple doesn’t even have room to hang any picture in. Much less, a wedding picture. And here’s the story of how they finally held in their hands their first wedding picture ever.
Meet Rosalyn Ferrer and Rommel Basco, a couple very much in love with each other and going strong after 24 years together.

The Philippine couple has reached their 50s but never held a wedding nor took one formally as they never had the budget to, so to speak. In fact, they’re homeless and reside on the streets of Pampanga province. The couple has six children together, and all eight of them live inside a small makeshift tent on what was considered a wasteland.

Both of them work by collecting household wastes such as cardboard, glasses, and old newspaper stacks.

More often than not, this couple may have to haggle for the wastes they are getting from households and resell them back as scraps. They barely make enough a day just to buy enough food for the family.

Richard Strandz, a hair salon owner, has always noticed the couple and finally learned about their story.

Even though they’ve lived together for over 20 years, they could never afford a wedding. It prompted him to start something for the couple.

He reached out to his friends to prepare a surprise wedding and even a photoshoot for the lovely couple!

The couple was so touched by Richard’s and his friends’ help. They enjoyed a charity wedding and then took some pictures to remember the day with!

The couple took a lot of pictures on the day before Valentine’s Day in 2021. While they did hold a charity wedding, the couple hasn’t officiated their wedding. Richard and his friends decided to go further and helped the couple hold another wedding, and this time, it’ll be official where they will sign the paperwork that declares them legally as husband and wife.

What a gorgeous bride and handsome groom!