Here’s What The South Korean Government Relief Package For Quarantined Citizens Looks Like
What relief package has your government distributed?
In the wake of recent events related to the pandemic, a lot of people are speculating as to whether the epidemic has been addressed well enough and what can be done differently among others.
Internet users are equally taking to numerous social media platforms to express their views while also addressing what steps their governments have taken.
With international health organizations’ effort in assisting countries in need to deal with the crisis, it appears some countries are taking in bold steps.
Turned Out, South Korea Found A Simple Yet Brilliant Way To Prevent people In Isolation From Leaving Home To Get Essentials

@Uvzxkwq, an Imgur user recently shared pictures of the care package the South Korean government provided homes on his 2nd day of self-isolation. The relief package featured not only hygiene essentials, including hand sanitizer and face masks but also fresh produce and precautionary measures.
The Government Gave Out Comfort Packages To People Who Are Quarantined In Order To Prevent Exposure

@TheMemeChurch, a Reddit User also agreed to the situation adding that in Korea, they had some limited contact with a confirmed case. The user admitted that having been exposed to the virus, a dedicated case officer drop off some supplies for him, including a box of tissues and hand sanitizers.
The Package Contains Hand Sanitizers, Masks As Well As Fresh Produce

Included Is Also A Quarantine Garbage Disposal Instructions

Attached With The Letter Expressing Care For Citizen’s Welfare

The letter reads: ‘For people who’re presently suffering from the virus, we send our best regards and sympathy. We the food ministry is sending this environment-friendly health package to you. We hope it helps you get the needed energy for the day. Accordingly, we hope you get well soon to return to your normal life.’ Fight It! You Can Do It! Go South Korea!’
Exposed Being Get A Dedicated Case Office To Check On Them Twice A Day

Internet Users Were In Awe At The South Korean Government’s Effort: